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Case Studies
Our Customer Success Stories
At ITC we invest in the greater grid for the benefit of our customers—from traditional utilities and independent power producers to industrial customers and energy providers looking to connect to the power grid—providing them with lower energy costs, increased efficiency and greater reliability. We are ensuring the greater grid can meet their energy needs, now and long into the future.
Alpine Township Project Addresses Need for Increased Capacity and Improved Reliability
ITC Michigan – February 2025
The new Northridge substation and line rebuild improved reliability and increased capacity, as the greater Grand Rapids are undergoes a transformation related to business expansion. The Alpine Township project was completed in late 2024 by ITC Michigan.
Coldwater Project
ITC Michigan – December 2020
Coldwater’s electricity needs have long been served by the Coldwater Board of Public Utilities (CBPU); its hallmarks being reliability, customer service and responsiveness. So, in 2015, when Clemens Food Group made the decision to invest more than $255 million in a new pork processing plant, system improvements were needed to support power quality and the area’s growing load.
Jo-Carroll Energy Improved Reliability and Increased Capacity
ITC Midwest – September 2022
Improved reliability and increased capacity are two major benefits consumer-members of the Jo-Carroll Energy system are enjoying as the result of transmission work completed last year by ITC Midwest.
Metform Division Benefits from Enhanced System Reliability
ITC Midwest – September 2022
Member-customers of the Jo-Carroll Energy System – including the Metform Division of MacLean-Fogg – are benefitting from improved reliability and increased capacity as the result of transmission work completed by ITC Midwest.
Michigan State University and the Green Substation
ITC Michigan – June 2017
It takes a lot of energy to send high-powered beams at the speed of light. Michigan State University partnered with us to build a new green substation to deliver a constant 18 MW of power to its new Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.
NEXTera Energy
ITC Michigan – March 2016
NEXTera Energy Resources, a leading clean energy provider and developer of cutting-edge wind farm projects in Michigan’s Thumb area, needed a partner to provide the interconnections to the state’s electricity grid.
Powering Ford’s Transformation
ITC Michigan – August 2018
A transformation across Ford Motor Company’s World Headquarters campus required Ford to re-examine its energy needs. ITC built a new transmission line to help provide more reliable power to the facilities.
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
ITC Michigan – December 2021
Working with ITC, the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan was able to build and connect its seven-megawatt electrical substation to the nearby bulk electric power transmission system. The substation was originally constructed to support a hotel connected to its casino, but by leveraging ITC’s experience and connections with the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), the Tribe was able to establish the only Tribal Electric Authority in Michigan.
Wolverine Power Cooperative
ITC Michigan – September 2016
Facing a tight, 18-month timeline to get a natural gas plant built and operating, Wolverine Power partnered with us to secure long lead-time equipment and to strengthen the 138 kV portion of the grid in northern Michigan.