We Are ITC Great Plains » Customer Solutions » Customer Connections

Customer Connections
Planning criteria and interconnection support for our customers and energy partners in Great Plains.
Planning Criteria

ITC performs the planning of its transmission systems in an open and transparent manner through its participation in the Midwest Independent System Operator (“MISO”) Transmission Expansion Planning process and the Southwest Power Pool (“SPP”) Integrated Transmission Planning (“ITP”) process. ITC Great Plains operates under the SPP planning process.
ITC Great Plains Planning Criteria
ITC Great Plains Standards of Conduct
Interconnection Support

ITC offers the following documents that explain the process of interconnecting a generation facility to the electric transmission system.
ITC Facility Connection Requirements
Need to Submit Data?
If you are already a customer, please submit data via e-mail:
Steady State – like MOD-032, mail.
Dynamic – like MOD-025, MOD-026, MOD-027, mail.
Looking for help with your generation, interconnection or transmission project?
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