ITC Michigan Webcasts and Podcasts
June 13, 2024 | ITC Michigan
Check out recent Podcast and Webinars below.
Crain’s Content Studio

Webcast: Nation’s largest independent electric transmission company leads a ‘safety transformation’
In honor of June being National Safety Month, it’s critical to practice situational awareness when encountering summer storms, fireworks and other outdoor safety hazards. Ashley Simpson, ITC Director of Safety, Protection & Preparedness, shares best practices for the community, ITC employees and contractors in this Crains’ “Quick Take” interview. Click HERE to view the webcast.
Webcast: Why the Energy Landscape is Critical for Michigan’s Economic Growth
Simon Whitelocke, president of ITC Michigan, joined Josh Hundt, chief business development officer and executive vice president with the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC); Maureen Krauss, president and CEO of the Detroit Regional Partnership (DRP); and Brian Rich, senior vice president of customer experience and technology and chief customer officer at Consumers Energy, to discuss Michigan’s robust goals surrounding renewable energy: becoming carbon neutral over the next 20 to 30 years and becoming a leader in electric vehicle production. Click HERE to view the webcast.
Webcast: How Michigan is preparing to meet the demands of an electrified society
The State of Michigan is on the forefront of the growing demand for EVs and electrification of our industrial processes, appliances and more. But, you might be wondering, what steps are needed to move us toward a more electrified Michigan, and what are the benefits? Organizations like ITC, along with utility companies like DTE, and experts in the mobility and automotive sectors, are collaborating to make electrification possible across the state.
Click HERE to view the webcast.
Webcast: A Gameplan for a Greener Michigan
The shift to a green energy future is fast approaching. But, for this to happen, Michigan requires an electric transmission system with the ability to withstand a move toward renewables like wind and solar.
To keep up with these changes, investment in a long-range electric transmission system is crucial and will enable regional renewable generation sources access to an interconnected grid.
Long-range transmission planning was the focus of the third webcast in a series sponsored by ITC Michigan and produced by Crain’s Content Studio on September 15. Click HERE to view the webcast.
Webcast: Michigan’s 2023 Electrification Outlook
Michigan is known for its automotive legacy, Great Lakes and quality way of life. Moving forward, the state can add electrification and economic development to that list.
During the fourth webcast in a series sponsored by ITC Michigan, our panel of state leaders agreed Michigan is positioned to be at the forefront of electrification (not just electric vehicles), the shift to a green economy and the benefits it offers, while providing the infrastructure needed to support it. Click HERE to view the webcast.
ITC Energy Report

ITC Vegetation Management and Safety
Rachel Woodbridge, ITC Vegetation and Transmission Line Maintenance Manager, and Seth Chicas, ITC Senior Vegetation Management Specialist discussed ITC’s year-round approach to vegetation management and their commitment to safety. Click HERE for the full interview.
FERC Order No. 1920
Nathan Benedict, ITC director of regulatory strategy, discusses FERC Order No. 1920, which will change the way electric transmission is planned across the country. Order 1920 institutes new requirements for how regional transmission grid entities evaluate transmission solutions to address longer-term demands on the electricity grid. Click HERE for the full interview.
Supporting Women in Energy
Purvi Patel, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, recently spoke with MI Tech News on efforts to support women seeking careers in energy. Click HERE for the full interview.
Is Michigan Ready for Renewable Energy?
Simon Whitelocke, president of ITC Michigan, recently spoke with MI Tech News on the future of renewable energy in Michigan. Click HERE for the full interview.
How ITC Michigan is Energizing Michigan’s Economy
Simon Whitelocke, ITC Michigan president, returns to talk about how electricity transmission company is energizing Michigan’s economy. Mr. Whitelocke continues his conversation from earlier reports about how electric infrastructure impacts economic growth. Click HERE for the full interview.
Why Electric Transmission is Important to Michigan’s Economic Growth
Nora Balgoyen, senior area manager for ITC and newly-elected board member of Michigan Economic Developers Association (MEDA), spoke with MITechNews about how transmission investment can be a catalyst for economic growth in our state. Click HERE for the full interview.
Grid Reliability
Vinit Gupta, ITC-Holdings Vice President for Operations, explains how the high voltage transmission company that transmits electrical power to last-mile providers DTE and Consumers Energy, makes sure those lines remain secure even during bad weather. Click HERE for the full interview.
Electric Vehicles and Michigan’s Future
Kwafo Adarkwa, Director of Public Affairs for ITC Holdings Corp, talks about how the electricity transmission company is helping Michigan usher in its electric vehicle future. Click HERE for the full interview.
ITC Wins Award from Wildlife Conservation Council
Gary Kirsh, Area Manager for ITC, to explain ITC’s commitment to the environment and its recent award from the Wildlife Conservation Council recognizing ITC’s efforts. Click HERE for the interview.
October – ITC Discusses Cyber Security
Matt Kurpinski, VP, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer for ITC, joined the conversation during October’s Cyber Security Awareness Month. Matt discussed why Cyber Security is so important to ITC and what businesses can do to become more Cyber Smart. Click HERE for the interview.
November – ITC Discloses Regional and Long-Range Michigan Electric Transmission Plans
Chuck Marshall, Vice President of Transmission Planning, provides details on the company’s plans to strengthen its regional high-voltage lines in Michigan.
Michigan Electric Transmission Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of ITC Holdings, announced its intent to construct, own and operate new transmission line projects in Michigan which are expected to provide Michigan ratepayers with more than $6 Billion in economic benefits while creating approximately 4,100 jobs across Michigan by 2030.
Click HERE for the interview.
December – ITC Discusses Handling Demand in 2022 and in the Future
ITC Michigan President Simon Whitelocke provides a summary of what ITC-Holdings did to strengthen the power GRID in Michigan during 2022 and the electricity transmission company’s plans to strengthen the GRID in 2023. Click HERE for the interview.